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Sunday, January 9, 2011


As a resident of Tucson  I am shocked by the mass killings yesterday at a local shopping center near my home. This event was fueled by the sickness and political tone of our country.  The shooting of Congresswomen Gabby Gifford and 13 other innocent by-standers who came to listen and share her message became targets of hatred and  brought world attention to our country’s dark political environment to the forefront.  

 Although the shooter, a young man in in twenties, has obvious anti-social and behavioral issues,  he is not a lone misfit in today’s society. Schools around the country reflect a growing number of youths who are frightened, angry and lack the ability to process fully  their emotions and feelings toward government and its control.  Both youths and adults are frustrated by the non civil rhetoric of our political and government leaders who have chosen to use inflammatory racists and sociaist  remarks to get their message across .  .  .  furthering the country's  hatred and bigotry.  Not until the birth of “tea party” and Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin, have we seen such lack of conscience,  and blatant disregard for consequences through improper use of words and symbolism.  Words do have consequences.  Words can kill.

Sarah Palin's political persona is like no other.  She has become one of a likeable cartoon character that is bigger than life.  Sarah’s "Mama Grizzly" and the “Gun Packing Mama” image is pure entertainment, and yet quite disturbing.   As an Alaskan, it is quite natural that hunting is in her blood, she enjoys the kill, and it has all become theatre for those who love her as well hate her. When will she take responsibility for her words and inappropriate actions and face the fact that her platform has become one of division, and not one of change.  

The tea party continues to fuel an atmosphere of hatred and polarization in our society,  which is fodder for further violence. Palin's depiction of congressional maps reflecting Democratic target areas in the cross-hairs is beyond civility.  Certainly, as a devote Christian and follower of Jesus, her actions have been disturbing and contradictory.  Telling Americans to rifle up, aim and get ready to take back America is the wrong tact to take and just fires up peoples’ emotions. It's my opinion that this negative, inflammatory language will continue to feed violence around the country, and not just here in Arizona, if we all do not unite in civility of action. Although Sarah did not pull the trigger, she has to take responsibility as a party leader for her role in this disaster and possibly more horror to come.  If Sarah Palin does not readdress her political game plan and look towards becoming a more responsible candidate and realize that her words can affect change or create devastation. It's her choice and how she choses will most definitely affect her success as a viable Presidential canididate for the Republican party in 2012. Otherwise, it is very likely that Sarah Palin will become her own target of ridicule and judgement.  Ironically, the bullseye is on her. 

Linda Sweeney

The above blog reflects my personal introspection only on this very dark day in Tucson.   I realize that some may not agree with me, and I embrace your right to disagree. However, I felt called to set aside the flounce and luxury of a world gone mad, and to share my thoughts and Tucson's shame for yet more killings in the Old West. 

Monday, December 13, 2010


 Irish History: "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

During the centuries when it was a crime to be Catholic and to practice one's faith, in public or private, in Ireland and England "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was written as a "catechism song" to help youngCatholics learn the beliefs of their faith. It was a memory aid-when being caught with anything in writing indicating adherence to the Catholic faith could not only get you imprisoned, one could be hung.

Many of the Irish Christmas songs have hidden meanings to the teachings of the faith. The "true love" mentioned in the song "The Twleve Days of Christmas"  doesn't refer to an earthly suitor, it refers to God himself. The "me" who receives the presents refers to every baptized person.

A Partridge in a pear tree = Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Two turtle doves = The Old and New Testaments

Three french hens = Faith, Hope and Charity, the theological virtues.
Four calling birds = The four Gospels and/or the four Evangelists.
Five golden rings symbolic for The first five books of the Old Testament (The Pentateuch).
Six geese a-laying represent the Six days of creation and
Seven swans a swimming refers to The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven Sacraments.

Eight maids a-milking  symbolizes The eight Beatitudes.
Nine ladies dancing represents The nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit  as well as the nine
 classifications of angels.
The Ten lords a-leaping reference The Ten Commandments.


 The Eleven pipers piping  represents The eleven faithful apostles.
Twelve drummers drumming are The twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed. 

Full Lyrics

"12 Days Of Christmas"

On the first day of christmas
my true love gave to me
a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the second day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the third day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the fourth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Five Golden Rings,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
Five Golden Rings,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Seven Swans-a-Swimming,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
Five Golden Rings,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the eighth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Eight Maids-a-Milking,
Seven Swans-a-Swimming,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
Five Golden Rings,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the ninth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Nine Ladies Dancing,
Eight Maids-a-Milking,
Seven Swans-a-Swimming,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
ohhh, awww-e-awww,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Ten Lords-a-Leaping,
Nine Ladies Dancing,
Eight Maids-a-Milking,
Seven Swans-a-Swimming,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
Five Golden Rings,
Three French
Two Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Eleven Pipers Piping,
Ten Lords-a-Leaping,
Nine Ladies Dancing,
Eight Maids-a-Milking,
Seven Swans-a-Swimming,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
Five Golden Rings,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the twelvth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Twelve Drummers Drumming,
Eleven Pipers Piping,
Ten Lords-a-Leaping,
Nine Ladies Dancing,
Eight Maids-a-Milking,
Seven Swans-a-Swimming,
Six Geese-a-Laying,
Five Golden Rings,
Four Calling Birds,
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves,
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.  

May you have a blessed Irish Christmas and a Happy New Year

Visit our Shop this holiday season

Friday, December 10, 2010


In 1885, at the tender age of 26, G. Paulding Farnham  (1859-1927) joined Tiffany’s design department. Studying under Edward Moore, Farnham quickly distinguished himself as a skillful and innovative artist. Paulding. arguably was Tiffany and Company's most eminent nineteenth-century jewelry designer. He was given the responsibility, with Moore, of designing the jewelry for Paris’s international "world's fair" exposition in 1889 and was “universally recognized as the genius” behind Tiffany's success. According to The Paris Herald, noted Farnham," whose fertility of imagination and power of invention may be best judged by the fact that there are no two similar objects in the exhibit", the orchids were acclaimed as the most original and finest of jewels of the exhibition there-by winning the grand prize gold medal for jewellery. (Orchid Photo Left. Christies's Auction: Sold $40,723 Yr: 2010)

Farnham's fabulous collection of twenty-four realistically rendered enamelled orchid hair ornaments and corsage jewels enamelled and bejeweled florals were unsurpassed in beauty and detail. The New York Sun reported on March 17, 1889, that the jewels attracted more attention "than any flower show, display of orchids, or any other of nature's beauty ever brought together in this city."
(Photo) Iris Brooch  This flower pin with a textured gold stem and diamond-set leaves is enhanced by a single diamond dewdrop set amid the realistically rendered purple enamel petals. The gentle arc of its stem and the naturalistic blossom reflect the Art Nouveau style, which inspired jewelers toward the end of the century. The enameled orchids is part of G. Paulding Farnham Collection.

G. PAULDING FARNHAM success was ascribed to the synergistic relationship he shared with his gemologist George Frederick Kunz, who provided him with a fantastic array of colored stones including conch pearls, pink topazdemantoid garnetMexican fire opalsMontana sapphires, and Arizona turquoise.
Orchids were a symbol of wealth and status during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, and orchid fever was at its height when Tiffany and Co. displayed its examples at the Paris Exposition. Consequently, collectors of real orchids, such as the financier Jay Gould who purchased most of the collection, began to collect Farnham’s jeweled ones for personal enjoyment.  By 1900 Tiffany had expanded its stock to include 15 more varieties. (See Photo right)

The Iris Brooch (Above) purchased at the 1900 Paris Exposition by railroad magnate Henry Walters. It is another important example of American Victorian naturalism. This large piece possesses dramatically curved petals mounted with Montana sapphires, flashing blue to deep lavender, accented by yellow sapphires and diamond veining as a creative interpretation. The equally detailed stem exhibits a life-like texture and delicate joints sprouting green garnet leaves.  
(photo left: Enamel and pearl flower brooch by Tiffany and Co.)
Despite Farnham’s star-studded success, he was dethroned as design director at Tiffany two years later in 1902 by Louis Comfort Tiffany when he assumed the leadership role when his father died. In 1908, Farnham resigned from Tiffany and Company due to creative disputes with Louis Tiffany.
Farnham finshed his career as sculptor and painter after leaving his position at Tiffany's and moved his family West settling in Mill Valley, California.  Today, Paulding Farnham jewels can only found in private collections and museums or purchased through priviate auctions.

Visit us at our shop:  Where Luxury Become Accessible

Monday, December 6, 2010


The practice and use of mistletoe began with the ancient priests of Celts who cut the mistletoe from sacred oaks and gave it to the towns people for charms.  The early Europeans used mistletoe as a ceremonial plant and mythology speaks of "arrows from mistletoe."  

In contemporary times this practice of utilizing mistletoe became a Christmas tradition which involved standing beneath a mistletoe sprig and forfeiting a kiss if caught. Certainly, a most charming and enjoyable traditions that brings a smile to the unsuspected.  For those that collect and enjoy fine crystal it has become a family tradtion to capture the beauty and enjoyment of that moment through the artistry of Lalique.  The Lalique Annual Holiday Collector's series by Marie-Claude Lalique began with Noel in 1988. In 1989 the traditon continued with a brilliant blue Noel. 

Rene Lalique's grand-daughter, Marie-Claude, created this limited edition engraved holiday ornament in honor of her grand-father and his first major exposition as a master glassmaker and leader in contemporary glass design at the Place Vendome, Paris.  Rene designed a green glass medallion highlighted with mistletoe design on the front and molded lettering to invite patrons to his gallery to celebrate the ocassion.  Seventy years later, Marie-Claude,  was so captivated by the beauty of the design that she decided to transform the concept into a Christmas ornament.  The introduction of the crystal Noel holiday ornament began yet another Lalique tradition and it's shining lights have been enjoyed in beautiful homes around the country ever since.  Whether these shimmering mistletoe illuminaries are hung on the Christmas tree or displayed under a doorway, its beauty and magic wil continue to delight both one and old way beyond that holiday kiss.

Happy Holidays Everyone.  Visit our shop this season for some very special savings on many luxury brands from Lalique crystal, porcelain, silver, designer jewelry, Cartier watches and more  

Melange-Art:  Where Luxury Becomes Accessible

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I loved actress Mae West. Sad to say that we were not of the same generation!   She was a one-woman sexual revolution.  Only five foot tall Ms. West, was best known for her sassy wit and her double ententes. I'll bet that even in our day of total sexual freedom this little ball of dynamite could show us gals a few things or two.  Born Mary Jane West in Brooklyn on August 17, 1893 she was a daughter of a prize-fighter.  She was a former corset model in her twenties and was in vaudeville.  Her voluptuous figure, flirtatious nature, and sharp wit won her many male admirers; however, fame did not come for a long time, not until she was 33 when she wrote her starred in her first play "sex" in 1926.  The play was declared "obscene" because of its raunchy dialogue and subject matter.  The play drew crowds of over 300,000 and patrons were shocked calling in the police to have her arrested for "corruption of morals" charge.  Her trial took over three months and she was found guilty and sentenced 10 days in prison and $500 fine.     

I also loved the fact that she did not want to ever be a Mrs. Anybody.  Don't get me wrong, I am a Mrs. Somebody for over 30 years and would not change a day of it.  I admire the fact that she knew who she was and what her best attributes were and she went ahead and capitalized on it.  So, Lady Gaga . . . eat your heart out, your not the first, nor the last to use your sexuality and talent to become famous.   Mae certainly loved her men. . . .  "So many and so little time.!" she would say.  Her second love was jewelry. Must be in our genes ladies.   Did any of you see the movie  "Night After Night" (1932) where she co-stared with George Raft. There was a scene when a hat-check girl says to Mae, "Oh goodness, what jewels!" Her response was "Goodness has nothing to do with it."  The benefits of the sexual revolution and women's equality movement has changed women's lives in many positive ways,  and in some ways I feel we have lost a lot.  Without going into the pros and cons of this new found freedom, what it does bring is more responsibility. 

Mae West died on November 22, 1980 at 87.  In October 2000 her estate auction off many of her costume jewelry piece at substantial prices.  No other actress has had such an impact on social morals of her time. If her play "sex" was ever reproduced today the audience make-up might be the same, but critics would no doubtedly review her performance as "timid" compared to what is considered truly "obscene" in the 21st. century.

A final quote on the men in Mae's life:  "Every man I meet wants to protect me.  I can't figure out from what!    

If you love jewelry too and feel like goodness has nothing to do with it,  visit our shop,  Melange-Art. 



This is an age old question that has been ask many times over the centuries.  It is a question that does not encompass fashion alone but includes literature, poetry, music, painting, cinema and, of course, the art of jewelry and fashion design  With the advent of so many art forms of expressions over the centuries there is little debate that both jewlery and fashion have captured the hearts of Americans as a major source of expression.  Early Haute couture fashion created an era of "being" where as life today has changed to an era of "appearing."  Haute couture will not die for lack of artists or clients, but because the lifestyles, events, places and occasions permitting it to exist has disappeared.

As Picasso was to modern art, Chanel, Schiaparelli, Yves Saint Laurent is to the art of couture.  These forms of genre are creative expression by gifted artists using different mediums.  When a couturier creates a work of art it is using fabrics, textiles, etc., as opposed to an artist painting on canvas. Fashion can never be abstract. It's purpose of existence is to be lived, to be worn, experienced, expressed and to be bold or chic to share the lives of those that wear it.

Since the mid 60's fashion creations so long associated with Haute Couture has evolved into a vibrant pret-a-port (french)  "ready-to-wear" fashions.  It is during this cross-over that French designer Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Oscar De La Renta,  Chanel, Christian Dior and other notables embraced the opportunity to market their designs to the masses. European designers understood that they needed to explore new horizons and boutiques opened up across the country independent of the coturre houses.  Handbags, wallets, scarves, belts and jewelry all became great sources of added wealth for these creators.

Once the door was opened to "pret-a-port" apparel the market quickly introduced an influx of "fashion creators" who were not from the world of haute couture but were both creative and talented in very different way of expression and theatre.  Haute couture designer clothes are immediately recognizable, they were individual pieces of art with its own language and inspiration.  Each telling its own story of afflulence definable by its wearer.

Yves Saint Laurent the first of many.  French Designer, YSL, ready to wear line was revolutionary in its time by introducing a ready made signature line that was once exclusive for a select few.  Fifty years later, the designer brands  continues to be even more popular than ever before growing into a  large and receptive global market who's appetites for artistic expression ravishly devour and embrace the latest hot trends to hit the market by some unknown new designer soon to be famous.   Yesterday, today or tomorrow,  Fashion is Art.  A moveable or portable art where the consumer is the canvas and in turn becomes the artist creating its own theatre and language of communication.

MELANG-ART - Where Luxury Becomes Accessible

Visit our shop at:
Specializing in luxury brand designer jewelry, handbags, clothing, collectibles.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


It has been said that diamonds are a girl's best friend. And then ultra sassy '20s superstar Mae West came along to point out wryly: "I have always felt a gift diamond shines so much better than one you buy for yourself." You can rest assured that many women feel the same way. There is something super special about being adorned with jewelry, especially when it comes wrapped in a gift box from your significant other! You really can't go wrong since jewelry is a favorite gift idea among women of all ages and walks of life. There are more varieties of jewelry gifts than this article can possibly cover, but hopefully some of these Christmas gift ideas will move you in the right direction as you begin your Holiday shopping but remember don't over look pre-owned vintage gold, pearl and diamond jewelry.  The quality remains constant when shopping for fine jewelry and the price difference between retail and pre-owned estate can be quite substantial in many cases.

Pearl Jewelry Gift Ideas

You may be shocked to find out that pearls come in more varieties than you ever imagined! Here is just a sampling of the different kinds of pearls:

* Akoya Pearls: These are probably your most popular type of pearl. They come in various natural colors from the white to light pink. Price points vary greatly, whether you're going for a single strand of pearls or you're shopping for top-of-the line Mikimoto pearls which boasts the finest quality of Japanese Akoya pearls that money can buy today's shopper has a variety of styles to choose from.  If your heart is set on a strand of classic Mikimoto pearls but feel they a bit pricey for your budget at this time,  the Blue Lagoon line produced by Mikimoto may offer you an alternative option.

* South Sea Pearls: South Sea pearls are naturally found in areas surrounding the Indian and Pacific Oceans, including Indonesia and the Phillippines. You can find a wide range of pearl colors, including milky white and pink, but one of the highly sought after colors is the Golden South Sea Pearl.

* Tahitian Black Pearls: Black pearls are often seem as quite exotic! This is because black pearls are highly valued and relatively rare. Or at least this was the case before pearls were raised and cultured on farms. Still indeed, the natural black pearl retains its reputation for its one-of-a-kind beauty.

If you're considering pearl jewelry as a gift, you can choose from something as traditional as the single strand princess length pearls or a lovely pair of earrings that would coordinate with the pearls she already owns. A classic pearl bracelet or pendant is also a wonerful alternative. Continuing to popular this season is the vintage cocktail or dinner ring.  There are many styles available from pearl cluster rings to fancy pearl and diamond accent rings. 

Diamond Jewelry Gift Ideas

Will she be pleased to receive some diamond jewelry from Santa? You can bet your bottom dollar she will! While you don't have to pull out all the stops and start shopping for an diamond engagement unless you are going to pop the question over the holidays, you can find some great gifts with diamond accents in our shop. Consider some of these ideas:

* Diamond Accent Jewelry
* Tennis Bracelets
* Diamond Stud Earrings

Visit our shop at:
Items displayed in this article are available to purchase.  

Edited Source Article:


Cyber Monday is when people's sanity is reinstated. It's a day when one becomes smarter at shopping.  Black Friday's past, it's time to take a deep breathe,  put your feet up, grab the mouse and begin clicking away.  Your shoes are off,  the car is in the garage, and all is well with the world at that precise moment.   Cyber Monday is a "good thing," a commercial fact that even Martha Stewart would agree upon.  It's a great opportunity to explore, compare and peruse your favorite web stores for unique gifts and collectible, all in the comfort of home or office (lunch  
time, of course, ladies).  It's a quiet time without the kids or family members that are influences to lead you astray from your goals.

Vintage jewelry, handbags and accessories continues to be the "hot" or "in" gift selection for this holiday.  Not only because it's fashionably chic, but because these items reflect the beauty of times past, an era of glamor, periods of struggles and historical reflections, and memories for all of us.  Looking in the past gives us hope for the future. Vintage gifts are heart gifts with a story to tell.   

Cyber shopping offers many benefits.  The first, and most important benefit of purchasing holiday gifts on line, is the huge financial advantage one receives.  This is especially true if you are purchasing more than one item within one shop or selecting a few favorites.   Free shipping, gift wrapping, deep discounting and no sales tax, can add up to hundreds of dollars in savings, and even if you are purchasing big ticket items the savings can equal a thousand or more;  an important factor to most families with today's struggling economy.

Okay, I agree that for the first couple of hours it is fun to be out there among the masses;  although, I have never curled up with my sleeping bag waiting for my favorite shop to open its doors and I confess, I never will. Although the excitement can be contagious for some, it scary for me.  The euphoric mood of a  Black Friday's marathon seeker looking for the best buy can quickly wane into utter frustration and weariness.  Within 24-hours sanity sets in with the frightening thought of 28 more days of crowded parking lots and standing in long lines to buy often just one item, which is repeated over and over again as one goes to the men's, children and book departments, leading to a future of unending lines and cash registers stealing valuable time.  It doesn't take long to realize that sipping a favorite cup of tea while searching for a handbag is the sane, intelligent way to shop on any given day of the year.

I am eternally grateful for having so many wonderful customers who have chosen to shop with us year after year.  We're proud to have developed a warm and friendly cyber relationship with  customers around the globe, and we share a bond of trust.  If you are a first time visitor, we welcome you and want you to feel safe shopping with us at Melange-Art.  It is our promise that your personal information will never to sold or shared with a third party, along with a guarantee that all our items are authentic, as described, and owned by us or consigned. All photographs are original and are actual pictures of items listed for sale an not copied or reproduced.

Happy holidays one and all and many blessings for the New Year.  

Linda Sweeney

Visit our shop below:  Where luxury become accessible.




Tiffany & Co sophistication: Ladies, this is a breathtaking heavy gauge sterling silver modernist wave cuff bracelet that is like no other

List Price: $645.00
Sale Price: $515.00
Chanel Blk Logo

Authentic 1993 Chanel classic 18 karat Gold Plate Logo Earrings. Description: Classic Coco CHANEL large "ingot" style black enamel earrings

List Price:  $325.00
Sale Price: $260.00


Sensationa ornate Byzantine stylel Jumbo Glass Bead Ugo Correani Vintage Necklace from the late 70's.  Designer highly collectible

List Price: $495.00
Sale Price: $395.00

Tiffany Collar Set

Tiffany & Co. Modernist Sterling Silver Neck Collar. Retired collection.  Matching bracelet makes this a tempting holiday buy for all seasons. Wear as set or separately.

List Price:  $725.00
Sale Price: $580.00

Valentino Dangle

Sheer elegance for nightime glamor. Valentino 10 kt gold plated Baroque simulated pearl dangle earrings with a caged blue-green glass stone

List Price: $375.00
Sale Price: $300.00
Yosca set

The glamor of star-studded Hollywood. Gerard Ysca  vintage collection From the 80's hot, hot those that love diva glamor. The chunky size crystal resin baubles feature multi-colored jewel

List Price: $250.00
Sale Price: $200.00

Gerda Black White

Magnificent  three Piece Set Avant Garde Black White artistry by Gerta Lynggaard Denmark bakelite 
resin necklace ensemble.

List Price: $395.00
Sale Price: $315.0
gold hoops

European 18 karat gold hoop earrings. These earrings were made in the 40's and converted into pierced earrings. Hallmarked. 750 (European standard 18 karat gold
Our Price: $750.00
List Price: $600.00


The holiday sales items shown above are just a small portion of our inventory that has been reduced. We have close to 400 items in our jewelry inventory alone so if you do not see something here please visit our shop by clicking on the link below.   Our entire inventory of silver, glass, art, collectible, handbags, accessories, jewelry, watches etc will be discounted 20% at time of your order along with free shipping within United States.

Thursday, November 25, 2010



Enjoy a bit of holiday eye candy this season at great prices.  We are offering a 20% discount off of our entire shop inventory. 

Sale price will be changed upon receipt of Your purchase order and a corrected invoice will be forwarded back for payment.  Payment choices are via pay pal using your credit card or you can call us directly 520-825-4005 Tucson, AZ if you prefer to use your card off-line using our shop's physical machine.   We are also offering lay-a-ways beyond the holidays for those luxury purchases if need be. 



Fabulous Japanese Red Silk lined Uchikake Ceremonial Robe with white ground. Vintage Circa Late 1980's kimono with dramatic red and gold swooping embroidered cranes, pine trees and elaborate Sagara embroidered Peonies. Peonies flower gained prominence in Japanese scrolling patterns, especially those used in brocades. Like the Chinese, the Japanese considered the peony to be the "king of flowers" and therefore used it as a popular motif in textile design regardless of season. The vibrant red silk lining with heavy rolled padded hem. Cranes symbolize soaring spirits, health and happiness. Cranes are held in high esteem. For the bride and groom cranes are also symbolic of longevity and prosperity.   List Price:  $900.00    Sale Price: $720.00

Mary McFadden Mink Jacket

COUTURE FUR:  Estate opportunity to purchase a designer brown mink fur coat by design house, Mary McFadden Couture furs at a fraction of its original cost. The fur is in exceptional condition and appears to be worn just a few times. Size: 8-10. This is a short jacket style that is perfect for today's modern fashion styles. Wear with pants, short skirts, or as a suit jacket. Mary McFadden couture label guarantees this to be made of finest female mink for shear luxury and softness.  List Price: $800.00   Sale Price: $640.00

       Dynasty Cocktail Dress

 Vintage " DYNASTY" style exquisite hand-beaded Designer Cocktail dress by  SWEELO a high-end clothier and designed who produced high end quality evening wear that could be affordably produced in India and sold to exclusive stores like Bonwit Teller and Saks, Lord & Taylor. Silk Chiffon hand-beaded evening sheath with full polyester satin lining.  List Price: $100.00  Sale Price: $80.00


Ruched Silk Elegance

Bloomingdale's designer sensation. Pure elegance for all occasions.. Gorgeous steel grey ruched silk evening bag perfect for the upcoming holiday parties.
Our Price: $150.00
List Price: $120.00

Christian Lacroix Pony

Christian Lacroix Pony Furia Handbag Tote is NWOT and stunning. Christian Lacroix designed a limited series of special items for Pour Laredoute with his signature label. His "furia" collection

Our Price: $275.00
List Price: $220.00

Christian Lacroix

Gorgeous Christian Lacroix vintage Black lamb skin "Pagoda" purse. The hardware on his hand bags are magnificent and very much part of his signature line.

List Price: $850.00
Sale Price: $680.00

Lalique Pearlized Clutch

Luxurious pearlized burgundy color
leather clutch style handbag. Brilliant Lalique crystal gem adorns one side of gold-plate modernist handle.

List Price: $550.00
Sale Price: $440.00


Tiffany Baume Mercer

Exquisite Ladies 14 karat
yellow gold  17-jewel mechanical movement dress watch by Baume & Mercier for Tiffany & Co.

List Price:  $4900.00
Sale Price: $3920.00


Cartier Santos

Ladies vintage automatic stainless and 18 karat gold plate bezel face with gold accent screws. Deployment style bracelet.

List Price: $2850.00
Sale Price: $2280.00


Ladies Raymond Weil

Stunning NOS (New Old Stock) 1990's Ladies diamond 18-kt Gold Plate Link woven bracelet watch. Classical style perfect for day or evening wear.

List Price: $700.00
Sale Price: $560.00



The holiday sales items shown above are just a small portion of our inventory that has been reduced. We have close to 400 items in our jewelry inventory alone so if you do not see something here please visit our shop by clicking on the link below.   


Happy Holidays. 

Linda Sweeney