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Saturday, December 4, 2010


I loved actress Mae West. Sad to say that we were not of the same generation!   She was a one-woman sexual revolution.  Only five foot tall Ms. West, was best known for her sassy wit and her double ententes. I'll bet that even in our day of total sexual freedom this little ball of dynamite could show us gals a few things or two.  Born Mary Jane West in Brooklyn on August 17, 1893 she was a daughter of a prize-fighter.  She was a former corset model in her twenties and was in vaudeville.  Her voluptuous figure, flirtatious nature, and sharp wit won her many male admirers; however, fame did not come for a long time, not until she was 33 when she wrote her starred in her first play "sex" in 1926.  The play was declared "obscene" because of its raunchy dialogue and subject matter.  The play drew crowds of over 300,000 and patrons were shocked calling in the police to have her arrested for "corruption of morals" charge.  Her trial took over three months and she was found guilty and sentenced 10 days in prison and $500 fine.     

I also loved the fact that she did not want to ever be a Mrs. Anybody.  Don't get me wrong, I am a Mrs. Somebody for over 30 years and would not change a day of it.  I admire the fact that she knew who she was and what her best attributes were and she went ahead and capitalized on it.  So, Lady Gaga . . . eat your heart out, your not the first, nor the last to use your sexuality and talent to become famous.   Mae certainly loved her men. . . .  "So many and so little time.!" she would say.  Her second love was jewelry. Must be in our genes ladies.   Did any of you see the movie  "Night After Night" (1932) where she co-stared with George Raft. There was a scene when a hat-check girl says to Mae, "Oh goodness, what jewels!" Her response was "Goodness has nothing to do with it."  The benefits of the sexual revolution and women's equality movement has changed women's lives in many positive ways,  and in some ways I feel we have lost a lot.  Without going into the pros and cons of this new found freedom, what it does bring is more responsibility. 

Mae West died on November 22, 1980 at 87.  In October 2000 her estate auction off many of her costume jewelry piece at substantial prices.  No other actress has had such an impact on social morals of her time. If her play "sex" was ever reproduced today the audience make-up might be the same, but critics would no doubtedly review her performance as "timid" compared to what is considered truly "obscene" in the 21st. century.

A final quote on the men in Mae's life:  "Every man I meet wants to protect me.  I can't figure out from what!    

If you love jewelry too and feel like goodness has nothing to do with it,  visit our shop,  Melange-Art. 


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