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Sunday, January 9, 2011


As a resident of Tucson  I am shocked by the mass killings yesterday at a local shopping center near my home. This event was fueled by the sickness and political tone of our country.  The shooting of Congresswomen Gabby Gifford and 13 other innocent by-standers who came to listen and share her message became targets of hatred and  brought world attention to our country’s dark political environment to the forefront.  

 Although the shooter, a young man in in twenties, has obvious anti-social and behavioral issues,  he is not a lone misfit in today’s society. Schools around the country reflect a growing number of youths who are frightened, angry and lack the ability to process fully  their emotions and feelings toward government and its control.  Both youths and adults are frustrated by the non civil rhetoric of our political and government leaders who have chosen to use inflammatory racists and sociaist  remarks to get their message across .  .  .  furthering the country's  hatred and bigotry.  Not until the birth of “tea party” and Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin, have we seen such lack of conscience,  and blatant disregard for consequences through improper use of words and symbolism.  Words do have consequences.  Words can kill.

Sarah Palin's political persona is like no other.  She has become one of a likeable cartoon character that is bigger than life.  Sarah’s "Mama Grizzly" and the “Gun Packing Mama” image is pure entertainment, and yet quite disturbing.   As an Alaskan, it is quite natural that hunting is in her blood, she enjoys the kill, and it has all become theatre for those who love her as well hate her. When will she take responsibility for her words and inappropriate actions and face the fact that her platform has become one of division, and not one of change.  

The tea party continues to fuel an atmosphere of hatred and polarization in our society,  which is fodder for further violence. Palin's depiction of congressional maps reflecting Democratic target areas in the cross-hairs is beyond civility.  Certainly, as a devote Christian and follower of Jesus, her actions have been disturbing and contradictory.  Telling Americans to rifle up, aim and get ready to take back America is the wrong tact to take and just fires up peoples’ emotions. It's my opinion that this negative, inflammatory language will continue to feed violence around the country, and not just here in Arizona, if we all do not unite in civility of action. Although Sarah did not pull the trigger, she has to take responsibility as a party leader for her role in this disaster and possibly more horror to come.  If Sarah Palin does not readdress her political game plan and look towards becoming a more responsible candidate and realize that her words can affect change or create devastation. It's her choice and how she choses will most definitely affect her success as a viable Presidential canididate for the Republican party in 2012. Otherwise, it is very likely that Sarah Palin will become her own target of ridicule and judgement.  Ironically, the bullseye is on her. 

Linda Sweeney

The above blog reflects my personal introspection only on this very dark day in Tucson.   I realize that some may not agree with me, and I embrace your right to disagree. However, I felt called to set aside the flounce and luxury of a world gone mad, and to share my thoughts and Tucson's shame for yet more killings in the Old West.