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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Jewelry has been around about as long as humans have been around, for women have always been fixing themselves up and accessorizing probably from cave living days. Look at history, at the Egyptians, all that gold! While there are ebbing and flowing fashion trends in jewelry just like there are with clothes and shoes and even handbags, there are also classic styles that are good choices any time of the year for any occasion. Fashion trends in jewelry make things fun, as they are often about makinga statement and being noticed. Designer couture jewelry has remained ever popular and many of the extraordinary pieces designed in the 90's and 90's are affordable and highly collectible today.

As many have learned over the years, jewelry that looks great and catches attention does not have to be expensive gemstones or precious metals. As long as the piece is quality made, there are many inexpensive pieces of fashion jewelry that are well worth having in the jewelry box for accessorizing anytime. Costume jewelry used to be thought of as cheap, both in price and clearly in appearance. In recent years, though, quality inexpensive costume jewelry has made quite a name for itself for being affordable while looking expensive. If someone wonders if a piece is 'real', that's success right there. Valentino, Givenchy, Lagerfeld, Dior and Chanel, YSL continue to be the most sought after designers and continue to demand high prices.

Statement jewelry is all the rage in fashion these days. Statement
jewelry pieces are those that produce a big bang for a not so big buck. Readily available from the stores to home jewelry parties, statement pieces are about just that, making a statement. Jewelry pieces that make up statement jewelry are things like chunky bangle bracelets in bold colors that make great noise, flashy dangly earrings or necklaces with big coins or stones at the center. These types of statement jewelry should be worn alone, as they make a big statement and adding to that will be overdoing the effect.

Vibrant, sparkling colors are a very popular trend in fashion jewelry. From bright and bold reds to deep and rich oranges, warm colors are a seasonal favorite that has taken a trend to being popular all year around. Pairings have changed and evolved so that sparkly and dangly earrings look fantastic with classy jeans and clogs instead of being saved only for those dressing up days. Dressing up jewelry has evolved as well, from quiet classics to bold and beautiful statements no matter the occasion. Jewelry is a great and affordable way to jazz up an outfit without having to go clothes shopping and spent hours trying on things just to decide on nothing.

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