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Friday, November 12, 2010



Diamonds have been around roughly since 800 B.C. The ancient Greeks used to look at diamonds as splinters of stars that had fallen from the sky and that the fire that was in the diamond was there to represent the flame of love. For this reason, many battles were fought and lost for diamonds and in the beginning, they were kept only as talismans. Later, they were set into diamond rings

It was roughly around 1074 when diamonds were really starting to be used as jewelry and it was the Indians who were responsible. It wasn't until around the 1300s when both French and English royalty started to wear diamond jewelry.

Today diamonds are mainly given as engagement rings and this tradition was set back in 1477. It was when the Austrian Archduke Maximilian gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy that diamond engagement rings really took off.

Why Diamonds Are so Expensive

The main reason why diamonds are so expensive is because of how rare they are. Now there are different types of diamonds as well as different cuts, so it all mainly depends upon the individual diamond as to how expensive it actually is. Some diamonds can be purchased for a good price but they will not be as clear as a more expensive diamond. The main things that will affect the price of a diamond include:  Cut, Color, Clarity & Carart

The above are known as the four Cs and they each affect how expensive a diamond is. There are different types of cuts for example including the princess cut. The main reason why the cut makes a difference is because if they are cut the right way, the light will travel through perfectly giving the diamond a better appearance.

The color also affects the price and you can purchase quite a number of different colored diamonds. There are pink, champagne and blue diamonds to name just a few and each will cost a different amount of money. 

The clarity is also important and you will pay a lot more money for a clearer diamond than you would for a cloudy one. Finally the carat makes a difference because obviously the more the diamond weighs, the more expensive it will be.

Diamonds are beautiful and some are very rare. However, it all really depends upon the four Cs as to how expensive the diamond jewelry actually is. No matter what diamond jewelry you do choose however, you certainly cannot go wrong if you are giving it as a gift. Diamonds will always remain to be a woman's favorite choice of jewelry and nothing says 'I Love You' more than a diamond.

How To Clean Your Jewelry

There are many commercial jewelry cleaners available that do an excellent job. It is important to know you should never use bleach or any other harsh chemicals to clean your jewelry. Certain chemicals, especially chlorine bleach and bromine, will react to the base metals in your gold mountings and/or can pit and discolor the mounting.

Cleaning Diamonds

Although diamonds have a non-porous surface, our day-to-day activities will attract dirt and oil to our diamonds. There are a few simple ways to keep you diamond looking as good as new.

One important point to remember when cleaning diamonds is - make sure you clean your diamonds individually because there is a danger of two diamonds scratching each other. That is also an important point when considering how you store your jewelry. Keep your diamonds separated when you do not have them on. Even though diamonds are extremely hard, they can be damaged if given a hard blow. Do not wear your diamond jewelry when doing rough work or when using chlorine bleach or other chemicals. Some chemicals can pit and discolor the mounting.

There is a simple recipe to make your own jewelry cleaner. Mix to a frothy lather, one cup warm water, two tablespoons liquid washing detergent, and one teaspoon of clear ammonia. Simply put a piece of jewelry into this mixture and let soak for about fifteen minutes. After soaking, brush each side of the piece with a soft toothbrush, rinse with warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth. Please be careful when rinsing, close the sink drain in case the jewelry slips from your hand.
It is important to note that this method should not be used on jewelry made with pearls, cameos, opals, turquoise, coral and lapis. Also, remember some gemstones are extremely porous and should be handled with care. Among those are emeralds and aquamarine. 


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